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It;s Time for the Draft-Are you ready?? We are!

It’s Time for the NFL DRAFT-Are you ready?

Lets make no mistake about it. Even though Jake Long has already been signed by the Miami Dolphins, there is still plenty of intrigue going on this morning. Someone is trying to swing a deal with someone else for a top ten selection over their big breakfast this morning. Could the Rams be willing to trade down to the #10 spot so the Saints could jump up and tag some defensive help like Glenn Dorsey, the home grown home town boy with the college championship under his belt? Could the Rams then be willing to trade down again with a team trying to get into the top 10? What will New England do at #7? I’d love to be in the war room at just about any team right now.

We will also post Audio Interviews as we get them at blog.footballreportersonline.com

If you have draft questions shoot us an e-mail at askdrfootball@gmail.com which we will check every 30 or so mins. after 4:30 pm eastern.




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